I’m an IMG and studied for usmle step 1 for almost a year, I studied alone (i didn’t take any course). I took the exam on december 2017 and fail with a score of 183. Now I feel so hopeless and disorientated, sincerely don’t know how to start again. What do you think is the best way to start all over again? Do you think is it possible to get a score of 250+ after a failure?
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Hi Wtg, I'm so sorry to hear about your Step 1 failure, but I do want to reassure you that it's definitely possible to score well on your second attempt, please don't give up!
I agree with medstudent123 that part of the problem is likely the fact that you only did 1/2 of UWorld, but there likely are several other major contributing factors to consider (many who complete all the NBMEs and all of UWorld still do not get the score that they want). One large issue is that you relied on reading books, which is a very common method, but is actually the least likely to lead to success, as you will only retain 5-10% of material that you read after 2 weeks. We advise much more active learning approaches, which is why we teach our students our method for making Anki cards targeted to the things they need to learn to improve their scores, a method that is designed to lead to greater than 90% long-term information retention. Additionally, most students who fail are making systematic test-taking errors that cause them to lose points, but fortunately we've found that these errors are very much correctable.
If you'd like more personalized advice, you can sign up for a free phone call with me, or sign up for tutoring, through our booking link: https://book.pocketsuite.io/book/usmle-pro-tutors
Based on your prior failure, I definitely wouldn't recommend going it alone on your second attempt, but instead working with an expert who can be with you every step of the way and guide you towards success.
In the U.S time is the big problem we only get 6 weeks :/
You said you feel hopeless and disoriented, but why? You've only studied 1/2 the test if you did 1/2 uworld. Finish the whole thing + nbmes. Thats it.
I read the kaplan books and FA in the first place, after that I watched Pathoma videos and answered more than half of uworld...
Anything is possible. How did you study for the last year? If you were only reading books, without doing practice questions, that could be a problem.