Hi- I was wondering if you could advise on how to find reputable explanations to the new NBME tests. I have taken 18 and 20 and I am just making a google doc with information about questions I have missed. I have found some information on 18 but very little for form 20. Also just curious on your thoughts about a 243 score on UWORLD practice test #1. I am only about 30% through UWORLD questions and was just wondering if that was a trusted score. Thanks!
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Regarding your practice score, I find the UWSAs over-predict by up to 10 points, so in that sense I would not "trust" that score. I would focus more on your NBME scores to set your expectations, although those scores are more variable, you don't want to lull yourself into a false sense of security by relying on a practice test that inflates scores (unless you take that into account).