Hello, thanks for your prior response on studying biochem for step 1. I wholeheartedly agree with your approach that if we sincerely and correctly create Anki cards based on UW/NBMEs (with reviewing Anki daily, doing Pathoma, and reviewing FA days before the test), that's enough to do well on test day.
My question is about memorizing facts that are not in either UW/NBMEs but may be in FA or other resources, and may show up on the test. How can we be sure that we're not missing out by devoting our Anki card creation solely to UW and the NBMEs? Maybe I'm worrying for nothing, but I was just wondering how it's possible that the NBMEs + UW are sufficient to learn everything one needs to know to get an exceptional score (i.e. 260+), especially in the low-yield subjects (biochem, anatomy, embryology, etc). I think I would be less concerned if I was closer to the basic sciences (I'm just about to finish my clerkship year). For example, I've heard of ppl who have taken the test saying that they got very random anatomy Qs or embryology Qs (to be fair, they said it was only a handful though). Thanks again for your help!!
Also, is it required to have a NBME baseline score before schedule the free consult with you?