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Despite our competitive hourly rate of $195/hour, our tutor compensation is among the most generous of any company in order to hire only the best of the best tutors. In addition to 1-on-1 sessions, each package includes a custom study schedule made by your tutor. We believe that all medical students should have access to the help they need to achieve their goals, which is why we were the first to offer additional need-based discounts. We also offer pay-over-time options, including Affirm and PayPal PayLater. If you are interested in booking tutoring by the hour, please email us at

Helpful for preparing for a shelf exam, getting targeted help on a particular topic, or for last-minute help with a score plateau. Popular for application review or interview prep.
A great option for students in need of help the last month before their exams, those struggling to overcome a score plateau, or for application advising.
*Most popular package*
Ideal for most USMLE students taking Step 1 or Step 2, or COMLEX Level 1 or 2, for the first time looking for support throughout the dedicated study period.
Our highest value, most comprehensive option, for students with prior attempts, large score increase goals, or both tutoring and advising needs. Consider for 50+ point score increases.

One Boston Place, Suite 2600, Boston, MA 02108 is not endorsed by or affiliated with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) or Federal State Medical Boards. "USMLE" is a trademark of the NBME and is used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine.

© 2025 USMLE Pro Tutors, LLC

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